Promoting health and well-being through community allotments, horticultural therapy and more.
Growers Hub is the umbrella name for the range of activities that take place in and around the growing spaces next to our community owned woodland at the north end of Broadford. What used to be bare forestry wasteland has been transformed into a thriving community of growth with polytunnels, raised beds and ponds. The Hub has something for everyone and is particularly well used by local families and groups.
Polytunnel allotment spaces are available to rent by local residents, subject to availability. We also have growing spaces dedicated for use by our Flourish Together horticultural therapy group, our outdoor learning project and the local playgroup. Our latest addition is a pilot Community Tree Nursery.
The Hub also provides valuable learning and skills development opportunities. Students from the Crofting and Countryside Skills course at UHI West Highland College have helped construct several parts of the site, and Portree High School use the space to run weekly work experience sessions.
The Growers Hub is the base for the Men’s Shed, Corry Capers Outdoor Learning and our small office and meeting space. And our community pigs often come for a holiday here too!
This ambitious project has been evolving since 2014. It began as the Green Growers Project, funded by the Climate Challenge Fund. The initial aim was to reduce our carbon usage by growing our own food locally. We started with three polytunnels built by the community and by UHI students.
Additional grants from the Climate Challenge Fund and European Regional Development Fund allowed us to develop the allotments further with more polytunnels, raised beds, a woodland cabin, compost toilet and a wood re-use facility. Our Greener Broadford Project Officer ran a number of successful community events and workshops during this time.
The year 2018 saw everything come together with the formation of the Growers Hub. The National Lottery Community Fund awarded a five-year grant which has enabled us to employ a Growers Hub Coordinator who has been able to develop the hub through a range of new initiatives.
How to get involved
In the summer we usually run drop in days when you can pick up fresh produce in return for a donation – check our News pages for timings. You are welcome look around the Hub when the gate is open.
If you are interested in an allotment and would like to be added to the waiting list please email us with the subject line: Allotment request. Please note: Allotments are available to permanent residents of the Broadford and Strath Community Council area only.
More information
Contact Nicholas Kelly, Growers Hub Coordinator: