Help us to grow fruit, vegetables, flowers … and people.
Flourish Together provides an opportunity for people in the community to meet in a welcoming and supportive environment. We grow fruit and vegetables, chat, learn, and most importantly have a cup of tea! No gardening experience is necessary and help is always at hand.
We are based at the Growers Hub in Broadford. We have our own polytunnel and several outdoor growing spaces.
We run a mix of lively and quiet sessions including a drop-in taster session on the second Wednesday of each month. See the timetable on this page for details. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you’d like to know more.
“It’s been a lifeline and I’m so happy to be a part of it.”
“I have been enveloped in friendliness.”
We grow our produce in a large purpose-built polytunnel and some outdoor beds. The fruit and vegetables are shared between the growers and the Community Fridge. For 2023 we are also planning public drop-in mornings (Tuesdays 10-12) where people will be able to pick their own produce in return for a donation.
In 2022 we opened a sensory garden which was planned, designed and constructed by the Flourish Together volunteers and participants over a period of 18 months. The sensory garden provides a peaceful space to sit, breathe and think. It is open to all visitors to the Growers Hub.
Flourish Together meet from February to December. Activities are organised with the weather in mind! We are mainly out and about in the growing areas digging, barrowing, planting, weeding and cropping. Activities can be modified and adapted to all abilities and needs. If we are beaten by the wind and rain then we have indoor spaces where we can sow seeds, participate in crafts such as sign construction, do a bit of wood work, and have a cup of tea! Most people bring their lunch, taking advantage of the opportunity to make new friends and socialise.
How to get involved
Everyone is welcome. See the timetable on this page.
More information
If you would like to come along or wish to know more please contact either:
We look forward to meeting you!
At present our timetable is:
- Tuesday 10am until 3pm: Mixed group, busy and lively
- Wednesday 10am until 3pm: Quiet session and taster sessions
This might help:
- Do I need to know anything about gardening? NO
- What do I wear? Outdoor clothing and sturdy shoes or wellies
- Do I bring lunch? Yes, if you would like to stay for the day
- Do I need tools or equipment? No, everything is provided
- What does it cost? Its FREE
Referral forms:
It is not necessary to have a medical referral to come to Flourish – everyone is welcome. However if you wish to complete one please use these forms: