Our colourful garden is the result of many thousands of hours of volunteer effort.
This much-loved community garden is a focal point of the village, where locals and visitors alike can relax among the flowers while enjoying stunning views of the Broadford Bay. But for many years this spot was just a flat and rather uninteresting patch of grass.
The transformation took place after local residents Janet and Stan Donaldson approached the TV programme The Beechgrove Garden who selected it as one of their makeover projects. With help from the Beechgrove team and designer Nick Dawson, the residents of Broadford and Strath were able to create the varied and colourful oasis that we enjoy today.
Today we work hard to maintain the garden: weeding, pruning, planting, and raising funds to repair and replace the seating. The garden continues to be managed by a small band of hardworking volunteers, supported by our Community Gardener. We always welcome new volunteers.
The garden was designed to incorporate as many natural features and materials from the surrounding landscape and environment as possible. Apart from the more formal planted beds, there is a wildflower bank, native trees and shrubs, and a bird feeding table dedicated to the memory of Mary Taylor.
Stone walls, built by a local stonemason using largely local stone, provide the framework for the varied landforms. These include a picnic area around the James Ross Memorial; the information shelter, which houses interpretative panels; seating for those who wish to rest and admire the view (including one donated and dedicated to the memory of another local resident, the late Jack McNicol); and a natural stone maze for the children to play in. The maze takes the shape of an ammonite – one of the fossils that can be found in the rocks around the shores of Broadford Bay and the emblem of Broadford and Strath Community Company.
Donations from local residents contributed to the funding which was hugely appreciated. The project was largely funded by The Highland Council, the Beechgrove Garden themselves, Portree Rotary Club and Skye and Lochalsh Housing Association.
How to get involved
We welcome volunteers who would like to help with the gardening. Find out about Community Garden volunteering.
We also welcome donations towards the ongoing maintenance and development of the Garden. Find out how to donate.
More information
Contact us: mail@broadfordandstrath.org