Hands-on biodiversity: Working together to grow trees from locally gathered seed.

The Community Tree Nursery is the latest addition to our Growers Hub. Launched in summer 2024, this is initially a 14-month pilot project which will enable us to establish our tree growing areas and infrastructure and grow a few thousand native broadleaf trees from locally sourced seed and berries. The long term aim is to create a valuable resource for our community that will bring extensive biodiversity and climate change benefits.

Volunteers and learning are at the core of the project. There are lots of opportunities for getting involved – see Read More below for details. We welcome all ages, abilities and experience and you can attend either a one-off session or make a regular commitment.

We are also running free workshops on subjects such as native tree identification, tree seed collecting and boosting biodiversity with trees. Check our News pages and Facebook for updates and contact Project Officer Phil Knott to join the mailing list. Coming up at UHI Broadford are ‘Trees and Shelterbelts for Crofters and Growers’ (Tues 12th November 1.30-3pm – fully booked, Weds 13th 7-8.30pm, Tues 26th 1.30-3pm, Weds 27th 7-8.30pm) and ‘Boosting Biodiversity with Trees and Shrubs’ (Tues 19th 1.30-3pm – fully booked, Weds 20th 7-8.30pm, Tues 3rd Dec 1.30-3pm, Weds 4th 7-8.30pm); workshops are free but booking is essential – email phil@broadfordandstrath.org.

Ultimately the bulk of our trees will be planted into the Broadford Community Woodland, though it may be a few years until the site is completely ready for them and it is likely that many will go into the wider community for the first year or two.


Volunteer Opportunities:

1  Seed collection and processing

We need help in collecting and processing tree and shrub seed from the local area. This is a lovely autumnal task! Seed is collected in the field and then brought back to the Growers Hub for processing and preparation for winter storage. See the seed calendar below for our target species and times. Formal collection can only take place with the landowners permission, so if you would like to offer your land for seed collecting we would be delighted to hear from you. Donations of seed are welcome, but need to be arranged in advance due to biosecurity and provenance rules.

  • Mid to end September: Collecting Hazel, Birch, Honeysuckle and Rowan in the local area.
  • Throughout October: Collecting Elder, Guelder Rose, Oak, Dog Rose, Hazel, Birch and Rowan in the local area.
  • End October to end December: Collecting Holly, Hawthorn, Alder in the local area.

2 Practical tasks

We need help building rodent proof stratification beds (November), installing a watering system, laying out the new beds and preparing them for the growing season. Shelving in the storage unit and paths will also need attention.

3 Tree growing and aftercare

From mid-February onwards, thoughts will switch to propagation of our seeds. We will need to get our beds and tree-cells ready with the right growing media and start to sow our seeds in the polytunnel. The seedlings will need lots of care throughout March and then pricking out will be needed in April and May especially. Some seeds will be sown directly outside in March and April as they start to germinate. The baby trees need lots of care and watering throughout and the more people watching out for them the better! Summer jobs are continuing to prick out but mostly weeding, watering and keeping a careful eye out for pests and diseases.

More information

Contact Phil Knott, Project Officer: phil@broadfordandstrath.org


Time frame: 2024 onwards 

Location: Growers Hub, Pairc Nan Craobh, Broadford, IV49 9DF

Benefits to the community: Learning and volunteering opportunities; enhanced nature and biodiversity 


Crown Estate Scotland – Sustainable Communities Fund


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