Help us identify priorities for local wildlife
Please take 10 minutes to complete our survey – deadline 16 February.
Local naturalist Phil Knott is conducting a Biodiversity Audit and Biodiversity Action Plan for the Broadford area on behalf of Broadford & Strath Community Company. The study has been made possible through support from The Highland Council and the Scottish Government.
We have launched a community consultation to find out what people feel are the current threats to species and habitats, and how we can act on them. We are also asking what conservation and education activities people would like to see more of and take part in.
Whether you are a local resident or visitor we would love to have your input. It is easy to complete the survey online – but if you require a paper copy please contact Phil at and he will be happy to send one to you. The survey will remain open until 4pm on Friday 16th February.
Phil will also be conducting one-to-one interviews with a range of stakeholders. Please contact Phil directly if you have particular expertise or local experience in relation to biodiversity and would like to contribute in more detail.
A desk-based collation of known biodiversity records will be undertaken as part of the study too. This will mean that our community has a much better idea of what our area is especially important for, what gaps there are, and where further research is needed.
The findings will be presented to the community in the Spring. They will help to ensure that BSCC can specifically target positive actions for biodiversity in the Broadford area and seek funding where available.
That link again: We look forward to your input.